Russian Accent



Top: cardamom, lemon, pink pepper 

Heart: spices, iris 

Base: tree moss, fir balsam 


Size: 30ml


This perfume was inspired by interesting fact.

I’m proud to be Russian but French language is still a big challenge for me, I speak with Accent.

In the very beginning of my living in French Riviera I was a little bit shy of it. But then my friends told me, that it’s absolutely nothing to be shamed of, as you should always remember that if someone speaks with accent, it means that (s)he knows at least one more (native) language fluently. And in fact it’s worth of respect!

This made me feel much more confident. It’s easy to recognize me by my accent. It’s a part of me and my image. Of course I continue developing my French, but now I know, that if I want, I can make any little feature or weakness a part of my signature charm! 

This is why I wanted to create special perfume with bright identity which will be easy to recognize.

This is perfume with strong character and I hope it will inspire you to transform your flaws into your special signature super powers) 

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